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Contact: Adam Lanthorn, Fiscal Officer
(614) 204-2082
The Township maintains three cemeteries, on Clover Valley, Roberts, and Bennington Chapel Roads.
The cemetery on Bennington Chapel is active, with an additional 180 graves surveyed out in 2004. The Fiscal Officer is the contact for cemetery business.
Cemetery Rules:
No new planting of trees, shrubs or roses.
All winter decorations to be removed by April 1st.
No glass or wired down flower pots.
All flowers live or artificial are to be within 10 inches of monument. Cemetery will be cleaned of excess flowers and pots by June 15th. Summer decorations to be removed by October 1st.
Violations will be removed without notification by the order of Trustees.
The cemetery closes at dusk.
Cemetery Fees: Download file here
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