John Endicott
Road Superintendent
(740) 893-3333 roads@hartfordtownship.net
The township has facilities at 2 North Main Street and 180 Smith Street in Croton. Two of the buildings are used to store and repair equipment used by the township for road and cemetery maintenance. The Hartford Volunteer Fire Department uses the third.
The township has a tandem axle dump truck, a one-ton dump truck, a road maintainer, a backhoe, a tar distributor truck, a roller, and two lawnmowers. The two dump trucks and the maintainer have snow plow attachments.

Hartford Township has approximately 28 miles of road to maintain. [Click here for list of Township Roads]. Approximately 19 miles of township roads are paved. The balance is both chip and seal and gravel roads.
There are a number of county highways located in Hartford Township. [Click here for list of County Roads]. The county maintains these roadways.